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Rodash is a collection of core functions expanding the capabilities of Lua in Roblox. It borrows ideas from lodash in JS, some simpler functionality of Penlight and standalone helper scripts in circulation among the Roblox community.

See the Getting Started page for examples of how you can use Rodash.


Using the latest release

  1. Download the latest rbxmx model from the Github releases page.
  2. Drag the model file from your Downloads folder into a Roblox Studio project.
  3. Open the Packages folder which is created and drag Rodash and its siblings into ReplicatedStorage.


Using Rojo

If you are familiar with Git and Rojo you can also clone the Rodash repo and incorporate the dependencies from the default.project.json file into your own project.


Require Rodash in any of your scripts:

local dash = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Rodash)

local list = {"cheese"}
dash.append(list, {"nachos"}, {}, {"chillies", "bbq sauce"})
list --> {"cheese", "nachos", "chillies", "bbq sauce"}

If you prefer, you can alias specific Rodash functions yourself:

local dash = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Rodash)
local append = dash.append


If you have any queries or feedback, please join the discussion on the Studio+ discord server!

Please report any bugs to the Issue Tracker.

Design Principles

The Rodash design principles make it quick and easy to use the library to write concise operations, or incrementally simplify existing Roblox code.


  • Avoid abstractions, working on native lua types to avoid enforcing specific coding styles
  • Only do one thing by avoiding parameter overloading or flags
  • Enforce type safety to avoid silent error propagation
  • Prefer immutability to promote functional design and reduce race conditions
  • Avoid duplication, mimicking existing functionality or aliasing other functions
  • Maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of the library